Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Return to Blogging

It has been over 3 year since my last blog entry.  A whole lot has happened in that time, including almost loosing Mom, adding a new little person to our family, an exciting trip to India, leaving my job in Kinshasa and moving to Paradise.

The northeast of the DRC where I have landed as a result of my husband Richard taking a job here is blessed with one of the most enchanting landscapes and natural beauty and wonders in the world.  At this stage in my life I have observed a remarkable pattern of existence - the ugliest things happen in the most beautiful places!!!  And thanks to the media, most people think of this place as "ugly" since they hear only about war, genocide, rape and poverty.  Yet there are so many positives in which to rejoice.

I suppose that with natural beauty comes richness.  For Congolese, the central focus of that richness is mineral resources.  Sadly, Congolese officials are blind to all other riches and sources of wealth.  The agriculture potential alone is enormous as just about anything can grow here.  The quality of the fruits and vegetables is unparalleled - avocados, especially!!  But even greater still is the potential that such a breathtaking paradise can offer for tourism.  Who would not want to come to a place like this?  Only that the lack of peace and real leadership prevents all these riches and enormous potential from being even marginally realized.

In my next blogs, I will share my observations including but not limited to :

  1. The natural beauty of the Lake and the Landscape
  2. The natural beauty of the people - more women wear their hair naturally and do not use skin lightener
  3. The exciting developments here like international school building
  4. Arts and culture of Goma
  5. Being a little person in Goma and what it's like to grow up here
Just hope I can keep up!

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