Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am so overcome by emotion it is hard to put into words what I am feeling in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. With the help of unbelievably energetic, inspired and dedicated Americans of all persuasions, what seems like a "divine hand" has helped our country to realize its true greatness as a world leader that understands that our responsibilities and obligations extend far beyond our national boundaries.

Thanks so much to my husband Richard for "donating" me to the campaign and supporting me to contribute in some small way to our amazing victory here in Florida. In the precinct where I spent election day as a voter protection attorney, the results reflected the will of a nation -- 734 for Obama and 15 for McCain!!!!

Yes, we can, Yes we did, and Yes, we will!!! God Bless America and all of us who have helped to restore faith in the promise of our beloved nation!

Love to all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear great freind and sister
The first thing was come to my mind after the great win for Obama is to conratulate u and all ur family.u r an ambitious woman who also inspired me to be better.
we a people in Jordan were so happy for Obama . and we look forward to feel the change.
so God bless u and ur husband and all positive people in the states.
its true that devine hand was with Obama previnting any devils hand to appear again.
yahya alqaissi