Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sarah Palin

I have no problem with Sarah Palin balancing motherhood with work for which she has apparently been criticized, but is she a mom who cares about the future, i.e. the one that she will leave for her 5 children? More than soccer moms, hockey moms and baseball moms, we need Future-oriented moms – moms with intellectual integrity who care about their children’s intellectual development and understanding as well as their physical development. We need moms who care so passionately about the legacy that they will leave for their children and their children’s children that they will do the research necessary to ascertain just what the future will be like for their children. If they did that which is something they owe to their children, they would NEVER vote for Sarah Palin. She is an unapologetic anti-environmentalist at a time when even some of the worst detractors of the environmental movement are starting to appreciate the peril in which the policies of Palin are placing this planet and its ability to sustain us!!! She should send her kids to college – not to war or early motherhood. The future of our children needs far better leaders and far better role models than this. Based on her example which my own mother would never have approved of, I actually question her ability to be a MOM to say nothing of Vice President of the United States of America!!!!

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